Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Argentine Sandwich @ Cafe MALBA, Buenos Aires

After an afternoon perusing the collection at Malba ( Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires) I stopped into the Museum cafe for lunch.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the Argentine sandwich, grilled asada (beef loin) with a chimichurri sauce, grilled red peppers and onion.

The beef here is generally grass fed on the Pampas, and thus vastly different from the growth hormone and antibiotic laced slabs of fatty tissue we get at home. It is significantly leaner, and much more flavorful.

Observant readers have probably noted how predominant seafood is in this blog; if US beef were all this good that would probably change.

Sadly Argentine farmers are moving to feedlots as they shift Pampas grasslands to soy production and to remain competitive with their beef prices in world food markets. That's a shame, because it seems to me that a healthier and tastier item will always remain competitive, among people who care what they eat anyway.

Off to La Cabrera tonight, for more cow...

Av Figueroa Alcorta 3415
Buenos Aires C1425CLA, Argentina